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Description: Uruguay: overview of gasoline quality
Last edited on2024-10-31

This report covers the regulations, market information and the actual quality of gasoline sold in Uruguay.

South America
Description: Angola: overview of gasoline quality
Last edited on2024-10-30

This report provides an overview of regulations, market information and quality related to gasoline sold in Angola.

Central Africa
Description: Azerbaijan: overview of diesel quality
Last edited on2024-10-30

This report covers the quality specifications, market information and the actual quality of diesel sold in Azerbaijan. The figure below indicates the most relevant issues in relation to diesel quality in Azerbaijan.

Description: Indonesia: overview of gasoline vehicles
Last edited on2024-10-24

This report provides an overview of regulations and market situation related to gasoline vehicles registered in Indonesia.

Description: U.S. (California): overview of bio-based gasoline
Last edited on2024-10-24

This report provides an overview of the regulations and market information related to bio-based gasoline in California.

Description: EU: analysis of the Emission Trading System and its implications in the transport...

The ETS report provides an overview of the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) as a key tool for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It also describes the introduction of ETS2, which targets emissions from fuels used in buildings, road transport, and other sectors, supporting the European Green Deal.

Description: Global: octane in gasoline and octane enhancers in 2024
Last edited on2024-10-22

This report describes the global regulations on octane and the most used octane improvers.

Description: Spain: overview of diesel quality
Last edited on2024-10-26

The report describes the legislative requirements for fossil and renewable diesel, as well as its quality monitoring and demand.

Description: China: renewable diesel (HVO) policy and market
Last edited on2024-10-11

This report provides an insight to the HVO industry in China. The country does not have any mandates on biodiesel and renewable diesel use, but it emerges as a net exporter of HVO.

Description: Switzerland: overview of diesel quality
Last edited on2024-10-10

HVO sales have decreased but expected to pick up in the next years

Description: Canada: overview of gasoline quality
Last edited on2024-10-04

This report provides an overview of gasoline quality, supply and disposition in Canada.

Description: Taiwan, province of China: overview of diesel quality
Last edited on2024-10-04

This report covers quality specifications, actual quality and market information of diesel sold in Taiwan, province of China.
