121 - 132 of 374 reports
Description: Peru: overview of bio-based gasoline
Last edited on2024-05-09

This report provides an insight into Peru's bio-based gasoline market and policy framework.

South America
Description: India: overview of gasoline quality
Last edited on2024-03-23

This report oversees regulations and market situation of gasoline sold in India.

Description: Kazakhstan: overview of diesel quality
Last edited on2024-03-23

The report provides an overview of diesel quality in Kazakhstan.

Description: European Union: hydrotreated vegetable oil outlook 2030 - 2023 update
Last edited on2024-05-15

HVO demand in the EU expected to grow by 2030

Description: Peru: overview of diesel quality
Last edited on2024-03-23

This report outlines the diesel quality, requirements, market and legislation in Peru.

South America
Description: China: overview of non-road machinery
Last edited on2024-03-23

This report covers China's non-road machinery exhaust emission regulations and market status.

Description: The Republic of Korea: overview of electric vehicles
Last edited on2024-05-09

This report analyses the development of policies/regulations promoting environment-friendly vehicles and market information on such vehicles.

Description: Global: gasoline grades per octane and ethanol content
Last edited on2024-05-09

This report describes the global and regional regulations on octane and the most used octane improvers. It also describes the requirements for octane and ethanol grades from the applicable national or international gasoline specifications and the actual octane numbers and typical ethanol content found in the market, based on the results of the SGS Worldwide Fuel Survey (WWFS).

Description: Kazakhstan: overview of gasoline quality
Last edited on2024-03-23

This report provides an overview of the legislation and market analysis in relation to gasoline quality in Kazakhstan

Description: The Republic of Korea: overview of vehicles
Last edited on2024-03-23

This report covers the regulations and market information of registered vehicles in the Republic of Korea (South Korea).

Description: Peru: overview of gasoline quality
Last edited on2024-03-23

This report covers the quality specifications, market information and the actual quality of gasoline sold in Peru.

South America
Description: Global: alternative marine fuels – LNG bunkering fuel
Last edited on2024-08-20

This report provides a global overview of LNG as a marine fuel.