37 - 48 of 59 maps
Description: Gasoline

Share of ethanol blends per country and region

Description: Gasoline

Share of octane grades per country and region

Description: Diesel

The map indicates regulatory limits for sulfur content in diesel used in non-road mobile machinery...

Description: Vehicle Emissions

Global overview of the emission standards for engines used in non-road mobile machinery (NRMM)

Description: Vehicle Emissions

Global overview of the level of development in vehicle emission standards.

Description: Biobased

Biodiesel demand is growing

Description: Diesel

Varying sulfur levels remain at the global level

Description: Gasoline

Varying sulfur levels remain at the global level

Description: Gasoline

This map indicates the maximum allowed and actual aromatics content in 2020.

Description: Diesel

This map indicates the maximum allowed and the mean lubricity in 2019.

Description: Gasoline

This map indicates the maximum allowed and actual benzene content in 2019.