Last updated:2023-02-07
On November 13, 2020, the Shanghai Economic and Information Commission together with several other regional institutions released Shanghai’s Fuel Cell Vehicle Industry Innovation and Development Plan.
The plan will be implemented from 2020 to 2023 and is based on the central government’s New Energy Vehicle Industry Development Plan (2021-2035). Shanghai set the following goals:
    By 2023:
      More than 30 hydrogen refueling stations (HRS) will be completed and in operation, out of a planned 100 HRS
      More than 10,000 fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) will run on Shanghai’s roads
    By 2025, more than 70 HRS will be completed and in operation
The Shanghai government also plans for collaboration in the Yangtze River Delta region to build the Yangtze River Delta Hydrogen Corridor, the first inter-regional cooperation for hydrogen development in China. The corridor will consist of four hydrogen high-speed demonstration routes:
    G15 (Shenhai Expressway)
    G42 (Shanghai-Chengdu Expressway)
    G50 (Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway)
    G60 (Shanghai-Kunming Expressway)
Earlier, SGS INSPIRE reported about hydrogen and electric vehicle goals set by Guangzhou and Tianjin. More detailed analysis about China's targets for alternative vehicle uptake can be found in the China: Overview of Vehicles report.