Type:In the spotlight
Region:South America, Asia
Last updated:2022-09-20
As of July 2022, the SGS Group is able to offer new testing capacity on traceability of biofuels to its customers. The test methods available for this objective are:
    EN 16640 - Bio-based products - Bio-based carbon content - Determination of the bio-based carbon content using the radiocarbon method
    DIN 51637 – Biobased Content Testing of Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil (HVO)
Both standards are already enforced by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and the DIN, Deutsches Institut für Normung (German Institute for Standardization).
EN 16640 specifies a method for the determination of bio-based carbon content in products, based on the 14C content measurement. It also specifies three test methods to be used for the determination of the 14C content from which the bio-based carbon content is calculated:
    Method A: Liquid scintillation-counter method (LSC) (normative)
    Method B: Beta-ionization (BI) (informative)
    Method C: Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) (normative)
The bio-based carbon content is expressed by a fraction of sample mass or as a fraction of the total carbon content. This calculation method is applicable to any product containing carbon, including bio composites.
DIN 51637 specifies a method for direct determination of the 14C content of bio-components (hydrogenated vegetable oil, HVO) in marketed diesel fuels by liquid scintillation counting.
For more information about how to contract this service please contact the SGS INSPIRE team.