Type:In the spotlight
Last updated:2023-09-12
The world is racing towards electric-mobility (e-mobility) to combat climate change, and significant developments are being made in every corner of the world.
Global electric car sales surged by 55% in 2022, totaling a remarkable 10 million units, with China, the EU, and the U.S. leading the way. China is currently in top position, with the highest number of electric vehicles (EVs) and charging points, and with impressive targets for 2030.
The shift towards EVs has been significantly accelerated by Europe’s new Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Regulation, the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act and China’s new energy vehicles (NEV) subsidy.
In addition, charging infrastructures are being developed and deployed in parallel to support the transition to EVs, and the specific challenges in different regions of the world are being addressed.
Our new SGS INSPIRE global report covers the number of EVs in 2023 versus announced 2030 targets as well as existing regulatory requirements for EV charging points and 2030 targets for charging infrastructure deployment.
The regions covered in the report are Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe and Eurasia, North America, Latin America and the Caribbean.
In this report, EV refers to both plug-in hybrid vehicles and battery electric vehicles.
This comprehensive 82 page study contains detailed information on topics such as:
    Size of light-duty EV fleet in 2023
    Number of light-duty EV charging points in 2023
    2030 targets for the number of EV charging points and the number of light-duty EVs
    Analysis of the EVs/charging point ratio and what it means for e-mobility in specific countries
    Regulatory requirements for EV charging infrastructure in key markets
    Available EV charging connectors and compliance standards
    Critical factors influencing EV sales in key markets, i.e., main barriers and drivers
    Key differences among all global regions
    Current global program/initiatives set to support EV adoption
Want to know more?
Please contact the SGS INSPIRE team: sgs-inspire@sgs.com
The price of the SGS INSPIRE Global report on EV charging infrastructure in 2023 and targets for 2030 (PDF, 2023) is EUR 2,500.00. If you are not subscribed to SGS INSPIRE market intelligence services, you can still purchase this report by sending us the Purchase Order with all the relevant company details: click here.