Last updated:2023-11-07
At a government meeting in January 2023, Turkmenistan Deputy Prime Minister Shakhym Abdrakhmanov announced that the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries (TCOR) of the state concern Turkmenneft had begun production of aviation gasoline B-92.
The enterprise started producing import-substituting product B-92 aviation gasoline in 2023. TCOR, together with the Technology Center of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, developed technical specifications for the B-92 aviation gasoline as an import substitute and implemented relevant activities for the start of its production in 2023.
Aviation gasoline B-92 was developed in Russia in the early 90s as a single fuel for piston aircraft engines. Because aviation gasoline is subject to more stringent requirements than motor gasoline, its composition includes components of a limited number of technological processes: direct distillation of crude oil, catalytic reforming, alkylation, and aromatization. Aviation gasoline may also include products of isomerization of straight-run fractions. Products of secondary processes containing olefinic hydrocarbons are not used to produce aviation gasoline.
The base component for producing aviation gasoline grades B-92 is usually catalytic reforming gasoline. Alkylbenzene, isooctane, isopentane, and toluene can be used as high-octane components.
TCOR is the flagship of the Turkmen economy. It produces a wide range of refined oil products including motor gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel (including hydrotreated diesel fuel), marine fuel, liquefied gas, petroleum coke lubricating oils, etc.
More details on the Turkmenistan diesel fuel and gasoline quality, market, and its legislation, can be found in our reports: Turkmenistan: overview of diesel fuel quality and Turkmenistan: overview of gasoline quality.