SGS INSPIRE Market Intelligence on Biofuels
SGS INSPIRE provides real-time insights into global and regional biofuel markets across Europe, Asia, Latin America, and the U.S.
Our platform covers global fuel quality, regional and country-level legislation, policies, market schemes, and support initiatives through detailed reports on bio-based gasoline and bio-based diesel.
We focus on strategies, regulations, specifications, fiscal policies, blend grades, and market information.
Our reports delve into the legislative frameworks of biofuels in various countries, encompassing mandates, biofuel production capacity, market insights on neat biofuels, sustainability criteria, feedstock availability and utilization, among other key aspects.
Specifically, reports on the EU and U.S. highlight advanced biofuel policies, low carbon fuel regulations, GHG emissions reduction targets, sustainability criteria, feedstock limitations, permitted feedstocks, non-compliance penalties, and market data on neat biofuels.

Furthermore, we provide detailed global maps illustrating biofuel availability, biofuel grade distribution, and biofuel content in conventional fuels.
Our weekly updates keep subscribers informed about newly implemented biofuels policies, GHG emissions regulations, sustainability measures, feedstock trade dynamics, new and planned biofuel capacities, and market developments.
Please find the list of available reports and the list of reports in the pipeline on the bottom of the page
For more details, you can consult our brochure
A lab tester holding a corn on the cob with tweasers.
SGS INSPIRE consulting and trainings on biofuels
The SGS INSPIRE team can accompany you and your staff in capacity and knowledge building on biofuels.
We offer:
    Strategic advice
    In-house trainings and workshops
    Dedicated market analysis or report tailored to your specific needs
To order a demonstration of our subscription service, get access to SGS INSPIRE BIOFUELS, purchase reports, or request consulting services, please contact us at .
SGS Biofuel Testing and Certification
SGS experts are available for biofeedstock and biofuel testing, and inspection and certification services. To know more about these services, please contact Arjan Praat, SGS Natural Resources Vice President:
Green barrels of biofuel stacked on top of each other.
Currently available reports
Overview of bio-based diesel in European countries
    Country report for each of the 27 EU member states
    Ukraine and the Western Balkans countries
    European Union: an overview of bio-based diesel
    European Union: hydrotreated vegetable oil outlook 2030
    Analysis of EU’s 2021 Fit for 55 package
Asia Pacific
    ASEAN: biodiesel outlook to 2025
    Overview of bio-based diesel: China
    Overview of bio-based diesel: the Philippines
    Overview of bio-based diesel: Indonesia
    Overview of bio-based diesel: Malaysia
    Overview of bio-based diesel: Thailand
    China: renewable diesel (HVO) policy and market
    Overview of bio-based gasoline: China
    Overview of bio-based gasoline: the Philippines
    Overview of bio-based gasoline: Indonesia
    Overview of bio-based gasoline: India
    Overview of bio-based gasoline: Thailand
    Overview of bio-based gasoline: Japan
United States
    Overview of bio-based diesel (federal level)
    Overview of bio-based gasoline (federal level)
    Overview of biodiesel legislation and market in Minnesota
    Overview of bio-based diesel in Washington
    Overview of bio-based diesel in Oregon
    Overview of bio-based diesel in California
    Overview of bio-based gasoline in California
    Overview of all state policies on biofuel mandates and programs
Latin America
    Overview of bio-based diesel: Colombia
    Overview of bio-based diesel: Brazil
    Overview of bio-based diesel: Argentina
    Overview of bio-based diesel: Peru
    Overview of bio-based gasoline: Brazil
    Overview of bio-based gasoline: Colombia
    Overview of bio-based gasoline: Argentina
    Overview of bio-based gasoline: Peru
    Global: 2023 market share of ethanol and octane
    Global map: 2023 biodiesel blend mandate and biodiesel average content
    Global map: 2023 ethanol blend mandate and ethanol average content
    Global map: 2022 ethanol blend share per country and region
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Planned reports for publication in 2024
    Overview of bio-based gasoline: France
    Overview of bio-based gasoline: Germany
    Overview of bio-based gasoline: the Netherlands
    Overview of bio-based gasoline: Spain
    Overview of bio-based gasoline: Italy
Asia Pacific
    Overview of bio-based diesel: South Korea
North America
    Overview of bio-based gasoline: Canada
Latin America
    Overview of bio-based gasoline: Paraguay
    Overview of bio-based gasoline: Ecuador
Global report
    Sustainability and trade patterns of biofuel feedstocks
Global map
    Global overview of feedstocks used for ethanol production
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