Last updated:2023-11-11
Curaçao´s Council of Ministers has approved new guidelines for fuel quality requirements recommended by SGS INSPIRE.
In 2022, due to the continuous customer complaints reported on the Island, Curaçao's Ministry of Economic Development decided to ask for an independent assessment of the national fuel quality situation.
SGS INSPIRE was selected and entrusted with the mission to develop a technical analysis of the national recent fuel quality specifications and recommendations for Curaçao policymakers to make informed decisions about the future of their national fuel market.
SGS INSPIRE carried out extensive research and prepared a comprehensive roadmap encompassing:
    Regulatory and market intelligence related to Curaçao’s fuel and vehicle fleet
    Analysis of existing fuel quality programs, regulations and standards
    Recommendations for modifications in Curaçao's fuel quality regulations
    Cost/Benefit analysis of potential new fuel quality regulations
    Implications of the new regulations for the procurement of fuels
On August 23, 2023, Curaçao´s Council of Ministers approved new guidelines for the Quality of Regulated Fuels. These guidelines include new specifications for gasoline (Mogas 95), ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD), liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), marine gas oil (MGO, formerly HSD), marine diesel fuel (MDF or MDO) and marine fuel oil (MFO). The new gasoline and diesel quality specifications are the direct result of the recommendations that SGS INSPIRE provided to Curaçao’s stakeholders.
We wish to warmly congratulate Curaçao for this decision!
We at SGS INSPIRE remain focused on our mission which is to deliver high-quality market intelligence on all questions related to energy in transport.
SGS INSPIRE meeting with relevant stakeholders in Curaçao, November 2022