Type:In the spotlight
Comment on this paragraph In May 2024, SGS INSPIRE launched a report on hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) supply and demand in selected European countries and the projection to 2030 based on trends observed in the market and developments in transport fuel policies.
Comment on this paragraph The main findings from this report were presented during a public webinar on May 22, 2024. You can watch the webinar recording by registering on the following page: The Potential of HVO in Europe, from Today Until 2030 (4568929) (on24.com)
Comment on this paragraph This report is available for purchase to SGS INSPIRE subscribers and non-subscribers.
Comment on this paragraph Europe: The Potential of HVO in Europe from today until 2030, 2024
Comment on this paragraph 144 pages, PDF, 2900 EUR
Comment on this paragraph Here below is the table of content:
Comment on this paragraph HVO usage in the market
Comment on this paragraph Overview of the countries distributing HVO100
Comment on this paragraph Current HVO demand in Europe
Comment on this paragraph Production capacity in the EU
Comment on this paragraph Companies and fuel stations offering HVO100 in Europe in 2024
Comment on this paragraph Predicted trends for HVO use and the number of fuel stations selling HVO in main European countries
Comment on this paragraph In each country-focused chapter, there is a section on:
Comment on this paragraph Please contact us at sgs-inspire@sgs.com, if you are interested to know more.
