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The SGS INSPIRE Global database of fuel specifications
The SGS INSPIRE Global database of fuel country specifications contains almost 6,000 standards and regulations from 240 countries and territories. It covers:
    On-road fuels: gasoline and its blends, diesel and its blends, fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) biodiesel, paraffinic diesel (renewable diesel, power-to-liquids), ethanol, methanol and reference fuels
    Off-road fuels: marine fuels, aviation fuels, heavy fuels, heating oils and kerosene
    Gaseous fuels: liquified petroleum gas (LPG), compressed natural gas (CNG), liquified natural gas (LNG) and hydrogen.
Users can compare specifications between countries and download them in Excel.
For a free online demonstration of the database, contact us at
A screen shot of the SGS global database of fuel specifications.
SGS INSPIRE provides national, regional and global reports related to regulatory, market and quality information about fuels, operating liquids and other products used in transportation.
    Regulatory information includes regulations and specifications, alternative fuel mandates and blends, exhaust emissions standards, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets, fuel economy standards, labelling requirements, government programs, fiscal policies and sustainability schemes.
    Market information covers analysis of fuels and vehicles, fuel supply and demand, fuel imports and exports, logistics and distribution, vehicle fleets, charging infrastructure, and projections.
    Fuel quality assessment includes analysis of laboratory test results, which lays out the physical and chemical characteristics of the various types of fuels (sulfur, octane, or cetane number, biofuel content, etc.) and discrepancies relative to regulations and fuel quality monitoring programs. Laboratory tests in the SGS Worldwide Fuel Survey database are produced by the Fuel Technology Center in Speyer, Germany, a global leader in assessing fuel quality. SGS fuel testing covers almost the entire globe, with data from over 200 countries and territories. Find out more about the SGS Worldwide Fuel Survey
SGS INSPIRE covers countries in Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, Eurasia, North America and Latin America, with national reports on gasoline, diesel and vehicles.
Moreover, SGS INSPIRE regularly publishes global and regional overviews of different fuels and transportation, as well as global maps illustrating the legislative limits and actual content of fuel quality parameters. The list ofmost recent global reports and maps list is available In the spotlight.
SGS INSPIRE Biofuels contains information specifically related to bio-based diesel and gasoline, as well as sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).
Webinars, podcasts and newsletters
Several times a year SGS INSPIRE presents live expert webinars devoted to critical topics, including global overviews of fuel quality, vehicle emissions and reference fuels, electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure, recent European and U.S. fuels and transport policies.
Our team has been running a podcast since the beginning of 2023, featuring prominent experts from SGS and other companies. Podcast episodes are available to everyone on our website.
Every two months we send a newsletter with a summary of new content on the website. If you would like to receive invitations for webinars or our newsletter, please register here: