Subscriptions to the SGS INSPIRE website are available on a one-, two-, or three-year basis. Companies can subscribe to a particular part of the website based on the topic (e.g., diesel, gasoline, vehicles, hydrogen, or biofuels) or geography (e.g., Europe, Asia Pacific, Africa, etc.) In addition to these factors, the number of users affects the subscription price, so please contact us at for a tailored offer.
SGS INSPIRE offers consulting services to corporations, governments, and organizations. Let us know what you need and when, and we will send you our proposal.
Individual reports
You can also buy individual reports from our website. We will soon activate the purchasing option. In the meantime, let us know which countries or topics interest you, and we will send you what we have.
Thank you for the great and satisfying accompanying service - perfect for our fuel analysis.
I like the possibility of posing additional questions beyond INSPIRE content to INSPIRE fuel experts.
SGS INSPIRE provided us with comprehensive report on HVO and SAF and considerably contributed to the decision-making process.
SGS INSPIRE played a pivotal role in formulating our national fuel quality road map.