SGS is a premier sampling, quantity assessment, and analytical services provider for liquid natural gas, ammonia, commodity gas, synthetic fuel, and recycled plastic-based fuel
World Class Laboratories
Our hydrogen testing laboratories in France are equipped with state-of-the-art technologies to deliver the full scope of testing required to ensure hydrogen (H2) purity compliance.
Our analyzers are fully integrated, meaning that just one sample injection provides a complete set of analysis, reducing turnaround times, costs, and sample volumes. We adhere to global and regional standards, including EN 17124, ISO 14687 and SAE J2719, and our laboratories comply with ISO 17025 requirements
We test for combustion measurements such as the Wobbe index and quantify the following impurities down to parts per billion (ppb), as required by ISO 14687, grade D: hydrocarbons, methane, oxygen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, argon, helium, waters, sulfur compounds, formaldehyde, ammonia, formic acid, and halogenated compounds.
SGS emerged as one of the top-performing labs, demonstrating its unparalleled expertise in hydrogen quality analysis when going through the European-led Metrohyve 2 interlab comparison. This rigorous evaluation involved 13 laboratories from across the globe, including two from China, one from the United States, and one from Japan.
a man in a white coat
Efficient and high-quality sampling
We sample hydrogen refueling stations (HRS), production sites, tube trailers or any other site using hydrogen up to 700 bars of pressure. In our operations we integrate innovative anti absorption coatings and strict processes to meet the highest quality standards.
Our equipment complies with globally recognized risk analysis, including HAZOP and HAZID.
By leveraging our extensive network of European inspection sites, we offer flexible and reactive sampling services across Europe tailored to your specific needs, ensuring you receive prompt and reliable results.
a machine on the road
Supporting the development of hydrogen networks
As the European Hydrogen Backbone (EHB) initiative continues to foster market competition, security of supply, security of demand, and cross-border collaboration on hydrogen in Europe, a critical question arises: what hydrogen purity will be required for this extensive infrastructure network? Currently, the Easee gas spec for new hydrogen pipelines or reconverted pipelines stands as the main benchmark, specifying a purity of 98%.
SGS has demonstrated expertise in analyzing Easee gas spec H2 for hydrogen networks. Recognizing the demand for comprehensive hydrogen gas analysis, including low levels of contaminants and high levels of impurities, SGS is investing heavily in R&D to cover commercial needs from pipeline to underground storage (UGS) analysis. SGS has already worked with major UGS and gas infrastructure operators to prepare this future network.
a group of people wearing safety vests and standing next to a fire hydrant
Consulting & Trainings
Our well-established market research and training capabilities enable us to provide comprehensive insights into the evolving hydrogen market, including emerging trends, regulatory landscapes, and investment opportunities.
Our hydrogen fuel surveys provide valuable data on the actual H2 quality being distributed. By combining our market research expertise with our laboratory data and fuel surveys, we can deliver unique insights to our clients. Contact us to schedule a first call and assess your business needs.
Furthermore, SGS offers specialized training programs for SGS client’s staff. The training focuses on developing the essential knowledge and skills required to manage hydrogen quality effectively. It’s an opportunity to understand the potential sources of contamination in hydrogen, learn about the various specifications and norms for hydrogen quality, go through necessary quality control measures, types of purification processes, and more. For more information, contact us.
SGS INSPIRE market intelligence
SGS INSPIRE offers research on global hydrogen capacity by 2030 and the status of the use of hydrogen in transportation at regional level. We scrutinize existing legislation (such as the EU Fit for 55 legislation package, EU Gas legislation, and U.S. Inflation Reduction Act) and provide a market overview related to hydrogen in Europe and the U.S. We have looked in detail at how Asia, particularly China, is moving towards a hydrogen economy and the potential of Latin America for green hydrogen production. Finally, hydrogen has been the focus of some past SGS INSPIRE webinars and podcast episodes. All of this material is available on our platform for existing subscribers and for purchase for non-subscribers.
a group of people in a lab