INSPIRE-ing Energy Talks: Ep. 3 - Sustainable Aviation Fuel - Will we have enough supply?

At the beginning of this year, SGS INSPIRE launched its podcast series on energy in transport called INSPIRE-ing Energy Talks. We aim to have a new episode every two months and SGS INSPIRE users are welcome to propose topics and join us as speakers!
In episode three, SGS INSPIRE market analyst Lucky Nurafiatin chats to Dr. Oki Murza, senior vice president of research and technology innovation at Pertamina, Indonesia’s national energy company, about SAF development in the country. Oki coordinates the research, development and commercialization of innovations to support Pertamina’s business development strategies, such as renewable diesel/hydrotreated vegetable oil and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).
Over the past few years, more countries and airlines set trials and/or secured SAF supply for 2025-2030 to anticipate the mandatory use of SAF during that period. In addition, several airlines have chosen to invest in dedicated SAF production facilities and/or to secure feedstock supply.
Driving this investment is the European Union’s ReFuelEU aviation initiative which sets a 2% v/v SAF mandate for every aircraft taking off from any EU airports in 2025. This initiative is expected to be the key driver of global SAF production and consumption.
Working along similar lines, Indonesia’s government did set a 2% v/v SAF mandate in 2016. However, it did not work out. Nevertheless, the government is expected to continue with the implementation in line with the global aviation sector. Our podcast chat revolves around Indonesia’s SAF development, feedstock issues and future plans.