Region:South America
Comment on this paragraph In April 2024, Chile's Ministry of Energy published the Green Hydrogen Action Plan 2023-2030. Section 6 includes 18 action measures, with specific actions and time milestones for each action.
Comment on this paragraph The development of a green hydrogen plant in Cabo Negro, Magallanes: the plant will make it possible to inject hydrogen into Chile's National Petroleum Company (ENAP)'s gas networks and carry out blending tests between fuels and hydrogen and fuels from hydrogen. The milestones are:
Comment on this paragraph 12024: start of construction of the plant
Comment on this paragraph 22025: start of operations
Comment on this paragraph 32026: start of the use of natural gas-green hydrogen blending at ENAP facilities
Comment on this paragraph 42026: delivery of green hydrogen to vehicles for internal use of ENAP
Comment on this paragraph 52027: presentation of two to three applications for the industrial and/or commercial sector for partial use of green hydrogen or derivatives
Comment on this paragraph The analysis of alternatives to advance the production of renewable/synthetic fuels from ENAP, including the development of technical studies in refineries to begin producing synthetic and renewable fuels. The milestones are:
Comment on this paragraph 12025: first analysis of technologies and inputs
Comment on this paragraph 22026: progress proposal to implement some renewable/synthetic fuel production alternatives
Comment on this paragraph The implementation of a pilot project for a hydrogen bus in public transportation to technically, economically and socially evaluate this technology. This will be implemented in the Santiago Metropolitan region. The milestones are:
Comment on this paragraph 1Fourth quarter 2024: purchase of the bus
Comment on this paragraph 2First semester 2025: pilot begins
Comment on this paragraph The implementation of green maritime corridors: possible green maritime corridors are being analyzed, with ammonia being an option among alternative low-emission fuels. The milestones are:
Comment on this paragraph 1End 2024: publication of the results of the copper and sulfuric acid transport feasibility studies
Comment on this paragraph 2Mid-2025: publication of the results of the pre-feasibility study of a green maritime corridor for fish farming in the Aysén region
Comment on this paragraph 32030: begin operation of the first green maritime trade route in Latin America
Comment on this paragraph The creation of a fund for tax credits attributable to the first category tax for investments with a high multiplier effect, including the green dimension, within the framework of the income tax reform law. The milestones are:
Comment on this paragraph 12024: submission of bill to Congress
Comment on this paragraph 22025: approval of the bill
Comment on this paragraph For more information about this issue, see the report ammonia as an alternative fuel – policy and market updates.
