Type:In the spotlight
Last updated:2021-03-23
Optimizing the quality of fuels is of great importance with regard to their compatibility with the environment and engines. For over 30 years, SGS has been conducting independent fuel quality studies around the world. In the last two decades in particular, there has been a major change in the mix of fuels with a trend towards sustainability and decreasing pollution. However, there are differences between countries.
Despites the difficulties brought in by the current situation, the SGS Fuel Technology Centre in Speyer (Germany) is working hard to make sure that the project gets accomplished.
Here is the current status for our latest Worldwide Fuel Study Winter 2020/2021:
Status for sampling as of March 2021
Samples received: 89 countries
Sampling in progress 7 countries
Sampling delay due to COVID-19: 4 countries
Sampling/dispatching not possible at the moment due to COVID-19: 1 country
42 countries included:
    Samples from 37 countries arrived at the Fuel Technology Center in Speyer
    Five countries are in progress and delayed due to COVID-19
36 countries included:
    Samples from 29 countries arrived in Germany
    Kyrgyzstan, Macao and Hong Kong: Shipment in process
    Bhutan, Bangladesh, Macao, Mongolia: At the moment not possible due to closed borders
    Myanmar: Sampling not possible due to civil unrest
13 countries included:
    11 countries arrived in Germany plus Algeria as an additional country
    Zimbabwe: Not possible at the moment due to lockdown
1 country included and arrived in Speyer
South America
5 countries included and arrived in Germany
North America
2 countries included and arrived in Germany
To receive further information, please contact the SGS Fuel Technology Centre at de.ogc.projects@sgs.com or call us directly at +49 6232130146