Type:In the spotlight
Last updated:2021-05-25
Welcome to the newsletter of SGS INSPIRE, the newsletter that keeps you informed about the latest global developments in fuel quality. Read our update from the world's regions.
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SGS INSPIRE published maps covering the following topics:
A map on ethanol mandates and maximum allowed ethanol blending.
Specifications database
We updated fuel quality requirements from the following countries and territories in our global fuel quality specification database, which now contains 4,700 entries:
Belgium (non-road diesel, paraffinic diesel), Bolivia (diesel, LPG), Brazil (kerosene), Côte d'Ivoire (diesel, gasoline), Falkland Islands (diesel, gasoline), India (diesel, CNG, kerosene, LPG, marine fuel), Indonesia (diesel, biodiesel blend), Israel (gasoline, kerosene), Jamaica (marine fuel), Maldives (diesel, gasoline, marine fuel), Monserrat (diesel, gasoline), Netherlands (biodiesel), Portugal (butane, propane), Spain (diesel for agricultural and marine use, diesel for heating, fuel oil, LPG, butane, propane), Syrian Arab Republic (diesel, gasoline, fuel oil, heating oil), United States (diesel, gasoline, biodiesel, biodiesel blend, fuel oil), British Virgin Islands (diesel, gasoline).
By June 2021, the European Union member states have to implement the Renewable Energy Directive 2018/2001 (so called RED II). SGS INSPIRE review of the member states progress indicated that several member states will be late with the implementation. Some member states (Germany, France, Austria) are aiming to phase out palm oil use already from 2021. The overview and renewable energy share targets for transport for 2021 can be seen under the European Union gasoline and diesel sections.
While the member states have not implemented the RED II yet, the European Commission is revising this legislative act to propose a more ambitious renewable energy share targets for transport for 2030. SGS INSPIRE participated in the stakeholder discussion about its review. It is being discussed to increase the renewable energy share target for transport from 14% to 24%.
This month, we reported about the fuels and biofuels regulatory framework and market in Spain. It has a strong renewable diesel co-processing capacity that supplies the local market. See Spain’s diesel country profile for more detailed information. In 2020, Spain introduced the gasoline grade E10 (ethanol content up to 10% v/v), but the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted its sales. See Spain’s gasoline country profile for more detailed information.
After long consultations, the United Kingdom decided to introduce E10 grade in the fall of 2021 decided to introduce E10 grade in the fall of 2021.
Gasoline and diesel country profiles for Portugal and Belgium.
Commonwealth of Independent States
Several of Russia’s refineries have started producing RON 100 gasoline grade, although the local demand is limited. The national fuel quality monitoring survey indicated several non-compliances in relation to sulfur, N-methylaniline in gasoline and non-compliance with flash point in diesel. For more detailed information, please see the updated country profiles for gasoline and diesel.
Georgia delayed 10 mg/kg sulfur limit for diesel to 2022. The main reason is a delay in upgrades of Azerbaijani national refinery, which is an important diesel supplier to Georgia. Azerbaijan’s national refinery was meant to be upgraded in 2020, but the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted that. It stopped producing gasoline, while it continues diesel production.
Gasoline and diesel country profiles for Georgia.
North America
In the United States, the newly-inaugurated Joseph Biden administration issued executive orders that brought the country back into the Paris Agreement, revoked the construction permit for the Keystone XL crude oil pipeline and suspended the granting of oil & gas leases on federal lands. Biden also ordered the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to review and propose changes to the light-duty vehicle fuel economy standards enacted under ex-president Donald Trump.
Additionally, the EPA issued a Proposed Rule on revising pump labeling requirements for E15 blends. The proposal also addresses easing certification of storage tanks and fuel dispensing systems for use with E15 blends.
Last but not least, the state of Texas (as authorized by EPA) implemented an emergency waiver temporarily loosening compliance with the Low Emission Diesel required in the Dallas/Fort Worth and Houston/Galveston metro areas as well as in East Texas counties. The state also temporarily suspended the low-RVP, oxygenated gasoline mandated in El Paso County.
Overview of PADD 2 state-level gasoline regulations, overview of hydrogen for vehicular use in the United States.
South and Central America
The government of Bolivia established a biodiesel production framework in 2018, which promots the construction of the first biodiesel plant in the country scheduled for 2024.
In Ecuador, private companies have been allowed to import Euro 5 enabling fuels. Previously only Petroecuador was allowed.
Ecopetrol, Colombian national oil company, started supplying 50 mg/kg sulfur gasoline as of December 2020 preparing for the implementation of stricter gasoline specifications in the country.
In Brazil, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, gasoline and ethanol fuel sales drop in 2020, while diesel fuel sales were maintained at similar levels as in the previous years. Ethanol exports increased, mainly due to the sanitizing ethanol requirements. Furthermore, the Brazilian energy regulator ANP released draft specifications for aviation kerosene and their blends at the end of January 2021. As of March 1, 2021, the Brazilian government exempted diesel fuel from federal taxes for two months, following a price readjustment done by Petrobras. Also in Brazil, B13 was implemented on March 1, 2021, in accordance with legislation established in 2018. The corresponding biodiesel auction had a record biodiesel traded volume.
SGS INSPIRE updated the Brazilian gasoline and diesel country profiles.
In Peru, at the end of January 2021, import duties on U.S. ethanol were lifted, after the U.S. government won an appeal on a countervailing duty case.
Furthermore, Talara refinery´s modernization is reaching its final steps and it will likely be finalized by the end of 2021. This will enable PetroPeru to produce higher octane gasoline and lower sulfur diesel.
The COVID-19 pandemic was also responsible for the drop in biodiesel exports from Argentina, the lowest in a decade. The average biodiesel blending rate also decreased.
At the end of 2020, the government of Colombia published two resolutions. These pieces of legislation include definitions of low carbon fuels and allow higher biodiesel blends.
The overview of vehicles of Brazil and the overview of gasoline and diesel in Bolivia will be updated. The report on the developments of hydrogen in Latin America will be published.
Asia and Oceania
To meet its zero net carbon emissions target, New Zealand plans to reenact its biofuels mandate. Although no timeline was announced, the government announced its in-principal approval of the use of biofuels in the transportation sector.
The Indonesia Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources published the latest diesel standards, postponing the implementation of 500 mg/kg sulfur limit in regular diesel from January 2021 to December 2024.
The Philippines government aims to increase biodiesel blending percentage from B2 (2% v/v) to B5 (5% v/v) by 2021-2022. The decision is supported by the Philippines Coconut Authority and the biodiesel producers across the country.
In South Korea, the government is expected to increase biodiesel blending percentage from the current B3 (3% v/v biodiesel blended with 97% v/v conventional diesel) to B3.5 (3.5% v/v biodiesel blended with 96.5% v/v conventional diesel) from July 2021.
On the other hand, the Singapore government announced that it will cease the registration of new diesel passenger cars, including taxis, from 2025, in the move to promote cleaner vehicles.
Indonesia: Overview of diesel quality (update).
In Nigeria, a new refinery will be likely commissioned in 2022. When finished, it will be the largest single-train refinery in the world. Rehabilitation works are going on in other refineries as well.
Zambia will start the delivery of commercial fuel ethanol in March 2021. Testing with different ethanol blends have been conducted as well.
With the COVID-19 pandemic, several African countries are seizing the opportunity and cutting fuel subsidies although other countries are introducing more protective measures.