Last updated:2023-02-21
India Energy Week 2023, the first major event under the country's G20 presidency, was held from February 6 to 8.
It was opened by India's Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi with the theme of growth, collaboration, and transition.
During the opening ceremony, the prime minister also launched the following:
    An E20 (gasoline with up to 20% v/v ethanol) blend rollout in 84 fuel stations in 15 cities, including Bengaluru, across 11 states/union territories
    Solar cooktop, a solar-powered cooking stove, to be distributed to rural areas
    Reuse and recycle of 100 million polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles/day, to become clothes for fuel station workers and for military uniforms
In addition, the prime minister also brought forward India's target to achieve 62% of energy demand from non-fossil fuels from 2040 to 2029/2030.
Lucky Nurafiatin, SGS INSPIRE’s market analyst, was a panel session speaker at the Technical Conference of India Energy Week 2023. The session was attended by 230 participants.
Mrs. Nurafiatin presented SGS INSPIRE's paper on the European Union’s targets for the transition to carbon neutrality by utilizing biobased fuels, advanced fuels, and renewable fuels from non-biological origin (RFNBO).
Mrs. Nurafiatin highlighted the importance of RFNBO as the EU starts moving away from biobased fuels. While countries across the globe are setting different timelines for the utilization of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), the EU has indirectly influenced other countries’ decisions by proposing a mandate of a minimum of 2% v/v SAF to be blended with aviation fuels at all EU airports from January 1, 2025. The target will increase to 5% v/v of SAF from January 1, 2030, of which 0.7% v/v should be RFNBO. This target will increase again in stages until it reaches 63% v/v from January 1, 2050. Of this target, 28% v/v should be RFNBO.
In light of this topic, one of many memoranda of understanding (MOUs) between G20 countries and businesses that were signed during this three-day event, was between the Indian Oil Corporation and U.S. Lanzajet, to explore the production of SAF using Lanzajet’s alcohol-to-jet (ATJ) technology.
More details on the Fit-for-55 package are available here. SGS INSPIRE follows the development of the Fit-for-55 package and continuously reports any developments.