Last updated:2023-02-28
The European Commission (EC) has published two important regulations related to CO2 standards for heavy duty vehicles (HDVs), and to renewable hydrogen in the EU.
The first one proposes regulation to establish CO2 emissions performance requirements for new heavy duty vehicles (HDVs: trucks, trailers, and buses), and lays down requirements for the reporting of CO2 emissions and fuel consumption of new HDVs registered in the EU. It includes a target of 100% CO2 emissions reduction for urban heavy buses before 2030, and a 90% CO2 reduction target for trucks for 2040.
Furthermore, in the framework of the Fit-for-55 legislation package proposal, the EC adopted two Delegated Acts required under the Renewable Energy Directive (RED), proposing detailed rules to define what constitutes renewable hydrogen in the EU. These will ensure that all renewable fuels of non-biological origin (RFNBOs) are produced from renewable electricity.
More information about these topics is available in the European Union: overview of diesel vehicles report, and in the analysis of 2021 EU climate policies (Fit-for-55 package) report.