Last updated:2023-09-20
The Heydar Aliev refinery in Baku, Azerbaijan, has started production of Euro-5 diesel with 10 mg/kg of sulfur. The production is a result of the reconstruction and modernization of the refinery, which started in 2019. The target capacity of the refinery is 7.5 million tonnes per year.
The main objective of the refinery's modernization process is to eliminate environmental risks arising from the operation of outdated equipment. The modernization is currently continuing, and the production of Euro-5 standard gasoline is planned to start in the first quarter of 2024.
The refinery started its work in 1953, and 364 million tonnes of oil have been processed at the refinery since then. The Baku Oil Refinery, named after Heydar Aliyev, the first president of Azerbaijan, fully satisfies the state's needs for oil products. The refinery produces 30 types of products, and 10% of the produce is exported.
More information on diesel fuel production in Azerbaijan is available in the report Azerbaijan: overview of diesel quality.