Last updated:2023-10-17
State Production Association Belorusneft is a Belarusian state petrochemical company carrying out geological exploration, development, production, and the sale and distribution of oil and gas products in the Republic of Belarus, Russia, and Venezuela, as well as conducting exploration work in Ecuador. Since December 20, 2021, it has been under the restrictive measures of the EU and the U.S.A. The company is now focusing on developing and renewing its network of filling stations not only in large cities and on leading highways but also in remote areas. Belarusneft is the market leader, with 728 filling stations in the country. Other important fuel distributors are Lukoil, Gazpromneft, and other smaller companies, such as A-100 in Minsk.
Distribution of filling stations in Belarus at the end of 2021 (total of 1082 filling stations)
Source: SGS INSPIRE research, 2023
In 2021, about 60 filling stations were built, reconstructed, and modernized. In 2022, two new filling stations appeared in the capital region, and large-scale reconstruction of about 30 facilities was carried out. In 2023, oil product supply enterprises in Minsk, Brest, and Vitebsk regions will each finish the reconstruction of two filling stations. In addition, Gomel and the Minsk regions will reconstruct 4 and 3 stations, respectively, while Grodno, Mogilev, and Pukhovichi districts will reconstruct one station each.
Key attention is being paid to expanding the network of filling stations, where customers will be able to refuel their cars with liquefied petroleum gas produced by Belorusneft. Station charging infrastructure will also be further developed for electric vehicles. These improvements are being dictated by the growing demand for affordable and environmentally friendly fuel. Modern gas filling modules and charging points will be built at existing stations during their reconstructions.
The entire country is almost completely covered by a network of filling stations, which is sufficient to provide consumers with fuel. Standards are in place which regulate a distance of no more than 25-30 km between gas stations. As a result, it is difficult to find a point in the republic where the distance between gas stations is more than 30 km. For the moment, however, whilst the reconstructions are still underway, most filling stations only have conventional mineral fuels – gasoline and diesel fuel – available.
More details of available fuels in Belarus can be found in the SGS INSPIRE updated reports Belarus: overview of gasoline quality and Belarus: overview of diesel quality. Details of the vehicle fleet composition in the country can also be found in the SGS INSPIRE report Belarus: overview of vehicles.