Conventional gasoline
Gasoline quality specifications in Sudan are set out in standard SDS 0082:2015. Only one gasoline grade is supplied in the country, with a RON of 90. Other limits to the main parameters in the specifications are:
    Sulfur content (max, mg/kg): 350
    Ethanol content (max, % v/v): 10
    Lead (max, g/l): 0.013
    Benzene content (max, % v/v): 2.5
    Aromatics content (max, % v/v): 40
    Olefins content (max, % v/v): 35
In September 2021, the national oil and gas company Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) signed a fuel supply agreement with the government of Sudan, whereby gasoline with a higher octane rating would be supplied to Sudan in the near future. The Sudanese Ministry of Energy hopes to reach a long-term agreement with Saudi Aramco soon. However, current fuel prices and shortages may modify these plans in the short-term.
Specifications can be checked in the SGS INSPIRE specifications database.
Conventional gasoline
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