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Description: Biobased (2)

U.S. biodiesel operable production capacity reached 95.1 billion liters in the first half of 2024, marking a 5.7% increase compared to December 2023....

Description: Hydrogen-3

On September 2, 2024, the European Commission published guidance regarding the implementation of subtargets for renewable fuels of non-biological...

Description: Gasoline (2)

The Australian government has postponed the implementation of 10 mg/kg sulfur gasoline from mid-December 2024 to mid-December 2025.

Description: Biobased 1

On August 26, 2024, a public consultation was launched for a new EU-aligned regulation aiming to boost the share of biofuels and other renewable fuels...

Description: EV (1)

At the end of August 2024, the Canadian government announced that it would follow the U.S. by imposing a 100 percent tariff on all-electric vehicles...

Description: Biobased

The European Commission (EC) has set a deadline of Novement 21, 2024 for all participants in global biofuel and feedstock markets to register their...

Description: SGS placeholder - landscape

SGS INSPIRE is continuously updating the fuel specification database. This article highlights the significant updates made during July and August...

Description: Biobased

The percentage of biodiesel blending in diesel reached a historical high in January-July 2024 in Paraguay, averaging 5.3% v/v. Paraguay’s...

Description: Biobased

The Norwegian Environmental Agency (NEA) has expressed doubts over the feedstocks used for advanced biofuel consumed from 2017-2022, leading to...

Description: Vehicle Emissions (1)

The government released a draft amendment of exhaust emissions regulations for nonroad special purpose vehicles, to reduce emissions from gasoline or...

Description: Biobased

Indonesia's elected president aims to increase the biodiesel mandate from B35 (diesel containing up to 35% v/v biodiesel) to B50 (diesel containing up...

Description: Biobased 1

The biodiesel plant in Srbac, whose owner, Sistem Ecologica, was implicated in the international affair of smuggling American biodiesel into the...